allie’s takeover

Allie is the incredibly hardworking Operator of the Fort Worth Mamaka. Allie is someone who inspires you to achieve more and work harder for the things you are passionate about. She loves her people and her team so well and with everything she has. You will either see her with a coffee in her hand or her tiny 1 pound dog named Scoobie. We are proud to know her and can’t wait for you to get to know her!! Without further ado… the Q&A with Allie and all the things she can’t live without. And as always, don’t forget to check out the instagram today to follow along her takeover.

Q&A With Allie:

what allie can’t live without:

If you know me, you know this one. I make myself a Mamaka oat milk latte every morning! (Add a couple drops of peppermint extract to the milk for an extra kick.) So warm and cozy and I usually sprinkle some coconut sugar on top as well. 

I have a couple pairs that stay on my feet every Friday & Saturday at Mamaka! They are a saving grace when you’re running around the store on a busy day. Feels like you’re walking on clouds. Best shoes! Highly recommend! 

I have a couple different products from this line and always get questions on what it is! Body spray, lotion, shampoo, etc. SMELLS LIKE HEAVEN! Also, just found out they make a candle?! I need it.

Speaking of candles, I don’t care what anyone says, Bath & Body Works candles are unmatched, they fill your entire room and I always have one lit when I’m home. My favorite gift is definitely a Bath & Body Works gift card!

I’ve been using these religiously for about a year now and they are SO GOOD. I apply throughout the day, not just at night, and my lips look and feel amazing with it on. Definitely worth the price! 

I love starting my day with a quick read or morning devotional. “New Morning Mercies” is an awesome one. You literally just flip open to today’s date and read one page. They are super refreshing yet calming in the morning and my favorite way to start the day! 


Stephanie’s takeover


carrie’s takeover